Thursday, August 1, 2019

Patrick Henry Speech

Patrick Henry, a devoted patriot and wise man fulfilled a position in the Virginia convention. After the Intolerable Acts imposed by King George on the colonies, Americans suffered an unfair rule, where Great Britain took control. In 1775 Patrick Henry introduced a resolution to the Virginia Convention to form the local militia to be prepared to fight the British. In order to gain approvals from his collies, Henry employs rhetorical appeals witch help him urge his purpose and take the lead with the use of an urgent tone witch induces his audience to support his statement towards war. Patrick Henry begins his speech by stating an ethical appeal with the statement â€Å"Mr. President No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities of the very worthy gentlemen†¦. But different men often see the same subject in different lights. †At this juncture, Patrick Henry defends his position as a patriot; he uses the word â€Å"light† to introduce the idea that light represents truth and spiritual illumination. By doing this, he is aligning his view of the need to fight with God’s purpose. Also one can conclude that Henry is confident of what he is presenting on this day, he takes the advantage of his abilities and knows that fighting war is the way that leads to liberty. Continuing his speech Henry makes use of another ethical appeal, he declares â€Å"It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country† by the use of this words Henry creates an appeal of authority, to the authority of God and appeal that proves his position that shows him as a Christian. By this he attempts to transmit that what he says is that fighting for freedom is God’s truth and that it is a responsibility to both God and country. After establishing and ethical appeal, he uses mythical allusion, which he literary compares how the British are saying things to the colonists which are promising false hopes, â€Å"listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts† (Henry), and by this use of words at the same time Henry creates an emotional appeal because he transmit fear, meaning that the colonies are going to be under British rule forever. Henry Changes subject and creates an emotional precis, he imparts by saying â€Å"Are we disposed to be of the number of those who having eyes see not, and having ears hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation. †(Henry). By using the words â€Å"nearly† and â€Å"concern† Henry strives to create in the colonists an emotion of fear, because he knows that colonists’ goal is reaching heaven. In addition Henry uses a Biblical allusion to support this statement; this comes from Ezekiel 12:2 which says that â€Å"those who can’t see and can’t hear the truth about God will lose their spiritual salvation† (Bible & God). Furthermore Henry constructs a Biblical allusion â€Å"I have but one lamp by which by feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience† (Henry). Symbolically speaking he uses the choice of words like â€Å"experience a lamp†, he says is that that â€Å"experience† or â€Å"light† will show the way for the future, just like the scripture which says that God’s word is a â€Å"lamp unto thy feet and a light unto thy path† (Bible). But also this is an ethical appeal because it shows him as a spiritual person and a true believer. Henry continues using many ethical appeals throughout his speech. Articulating his word choice, Henry utters â€Å"Is it that insidious smile with which out petition has been lately received? †(Henry). He says that the colonists’ petition have been met with â€Å"an insidious smile. † The use of the words â€Å"insidious smile† creates an ethical appeal because it implies that the British are fooling the colonists into believing that they will act on these petitions in a positive manner, but it is really only a trap to keep them under their rule. Henry presents rhetorical questions to provoked his audience and create fearful thought for them to start acting. He is forcing the colonists to think about their arguments and through the declarative sentences, he refuses their arguments immediately. Henry gives evidence in his inductive argument as he cites the actions which the colonists have taken to get the British to respond to some of their demands which also creates a logical appeal. Henry presents his evidence in a series of parallel independent clauses. With the parallel structures he indicates that all actions are equally important. Henry prolongs verbalizing his speech with the opposing argument that the colonists are weak with the use of an ethical appeal. He pronounces, â€Å"But when shall we be stronger? †(Henry). Yet again he creates an emotional appeal through his description of the outcome of waiting until they are stronger such as asking if they will be stronger. Carrying on Henry declares â€Å"when a British guard shall be stationed in every house. † He creates a terrifying image in figuratively comparing their waiting and hoping for someone. He keep on continuing with rhetorical questions like â€Å"Lying supinely on their backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope until their enemies have bound their hand and foot? †(Henry). At this time again, he metaphorically refers to hope as not being real phantom but an image of slavery is extended here as he refers to the colonists being â€Å"bound hand and foot† which is a metaphor for their lack of freedom under British rule. Henry once again makes his point of ethical appeal and also emotional comparing British rule with death by saying, â€Å"but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death! †(Henry). Henry uses a parallel structure in an exclamatory sentence to show that liberty is equally as valuable and desirable as death which is destructive and undesirable but also still keeps his image as a loyal patriot. By paralleling them in a balanced sentence, he says that the outcome will be one or the other and there can be no compromise. He completes his topic here of comparing slavery, lack of freedom because of British rule with death. Patrick Henry operates down his speech of influence by successfully and compellingly articulated his support for war with great Britain through well organized arguments and affective use of simile, personification, logical reasoning, rhetorical questioning and more important emotional appeal. He concludes that the colonies need freedom, and request back their independence from Britain.

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