Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Bless Me Ultima Character Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Bless Me Ultima Character Analysis - Essay Example Another example that illustrates Antonio’s wisdom and seriousness ness is his early understanding of the conflicts between his father’s and mother’s respective goals for him. This demonstrates his acute sensitivity, because he is aware that he is trapped between two different worlds and cultures. While his father wants him to be a vaqero and follow in his own footsteps by riding a llano, his mother is from a farming community and she wants her son to become a priest, insisting that he display model behavior when Ultima arrives because of his destiny to become a priest. The bond between Antonio and Ultima derives from the folk healer’s understanding of the boy’s inherent wisdom and moral aptitude, despite his uncertainty about his own destiny. In fact, it is this very duality in his heritage which is the foundation for Antonio’s understanding of the duality of contrasts that exists in the world. His father’s and mother’s people are different, Ultima tells him – the Lunas are constantly orbiting the moon while the Marez associate with the restless, ever changing ocean. This is the basis for Antonio to understand the duality of God – the father who is stern and not always forgiving vis a vis the virgin who is loving and always forgiving. Antonio is brought face to face with death at an early age, when he witnesses the death of Lupito, one of the village residents. This is the catalyst that sparks Antonio’s moral side and plunges him into a deep and intense crisis of faith, where he becomes unsure of the validity and strength of his Catholic faith. However, throughout the novel, it is Ultima and her calm wisdom that help the boy to weather his internal crisis and growth. Slowly he learns how to trust and make his own moral choices, he learns how to rely upon himself and his own decisions in determining his own future. He learns to draw solace from nature and to

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