Monday, September 23, 2019

M6 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

M6 - Assignment Example idence for the application of this theory involved the study factors influencing the choice of food and the impact of induced mood on the usage of condom. The study on induced mood and the use of condoms is anchored on the theory of reasoned action in which, intention takes a center stage in determining an individual’s behavior. According to Armitage, Conner and Norman (1999), the intention to perform a certain behavior by an individual is a function of his or her attitude and the subjective norm. Specifics outcomes about a given behavior in turn influence the attitude formed by an individual towards that behavior. Perceived social pressures especially from people close to our lives have been particularly found to have significant impact on the intentions of an individual to perform a certain health behavior (Armitage, Conner & Norman, 1999). This study suggests that the influence of attitude on the intention to perform a given behavior is exasperated by the combination of either a positive mood or negative mood (Armitage, Conner & Norman, 1999). The study on the effects of induced mood on the use of condoms involved 97 undergraduate students with half of the group subjected to negative mood induction and the other half to positive mood induction (Armitage, Conner & Norman, 1999). The attitudes of the participants were also assessed concurrently as well as their intention to uses condoms. The study found that in addition to attitude and subjective norm behavioral determinants, mood further influences the cognitive capacity of an individual thereby impacting on his or her intentions or decision making capacity. The study findings imply that a person in a positive mood is likely to develop a positive attitude which consequently translates to the intention to perform a certain behavior. The study findings were indeed positive because they provide support for the theory of reasoned actions by established that the intention to use or not use condoms is not only

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