Friday, September 27, 2019

Module 2 Child Abuse (CASE) BHE415 Community and Domestic violence Essay

Module 2 Child Abuse (CASE) BHE415 Community and Domestic violence - Essay Example ever, having been the first to listen to the case, I am obligated to instruct and assure Summer’s friend that regardless of whether she decides to persuade Summer into talking about her issues with an authoritative figure, her situation is serious and involves criminal act as the perpetrator is an adult of 19 years. As a recommendation, I would advise Summer’s friend to abstain from sharing the information with anyone else as this may get to the abusive cousin who may retaliate violently towards Summer and/or her friend. Additionally, he may also flee justice if word got to him about his abuse to Summer being exposed. As a stakeholder in the life of Summer for being her teacher, it is my obligation as it is any other person’s to report to authorities the chance of a minor being abused. Regardless if whether Summer has consent about this or not, her age is denies her to have options or to make decisions of he own and this projects the responsibilities of taking care of her to the stakeholders who have access to her. In this case, I am obligated to report the matter to the school manager in order to take note of the any developments that may present themselves in the future. Child protective services or agents should be notified of the developments in order to provide any necessary protection from the perpetrator. Talking to Summer about the abuse by her cousin can be a task to be handled in a rather much professional setting. After inquiring from her the full scale of the issue, Summer can be enrolled for social therapy in order to prevent any future psychological trauma that she may go through in the future. In case her family is aware of the developments and they have neglected her, I can accompany her to the social therapy sessions so that she gets the support that her family have failed to provide According to Prevent Child Abuse New York (2011), adults should provide advocacy to children as the children need people who can represent and speck on their

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